
Parking in Whitby

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Whitby is an ancient fishing town never really designed for cars. Most properties in the town centre don’t have car parking facilities at all and so it can be difficult to find a place to park, especially in summer.

So, please plan ahead and be patient.

Your options include: Whitby Park and Ride, W Zone with scratch card, Shopping card (for short periods), Pay and Display, Free parking or if youre feeling adventerous you might be able to Rent a Driveway. 


Whitby Park & Ride
Park outside the town and take the regular buses into the centre of town. Unfortunately you cannot leave your car over night at the park and ride. A great option the Park and Ride is easy and affordable.
with a family day ticket costing £5.20 for the day. The park and ride operates daily (check the website for times as they do vary throughout the year). You can purchase tickets on the bus from your driver and dogs can travel at the discretion of the driver.  Web link: Whitby Park & Ride


W Zones (Scratch Cards)
The local authority introduced a restrcted parking scheme some time ago allowing parking in designated 'W' zones with a scratch card. Most accommodation providers will either give you a complimentary scratch card, or provide them for a fee. Scratch cards have to be purchased by accommodation providers so if you are charged a fee please take that into account. These scratch cards allow guests to park for free in the designated W zones. Please speak to your accommodation before you arrive to see if a free, pre-paid parking scratch card will be provided for you.

IMPORTANT: If you do not fill in the details correctly and scratch off just your arrival date you will receive a parking ticket. 

This map shows the areas covered bby the scheme and highlights the W zones and shopping zones (see below).


Shopping zones
The local authority introduced a restrcted parking scheme some time ago allowing parking in designated shopping zones with Disc clocks. You can obtain these from many shops and accomodation providers in the town. The shopping zones are marked in yellow on the map above.


Pay & Display Car Parks
There are a number of  pay and display car parks in the town click on the car park below to find out more.

Abbey Headland
Church Street
Cliff Street
Endeavour Wharf
Marina Back
Marina Front
Marina harbour users
Pavilion Drive
Pavilion Top
St Hilda's Terrace
West Cliff


Free parking

Outside the restricted parking zone, parking is generally free, such as alongside the bottom of Pannett Park, Spring Vale but please be considerate as locals will use these too.


Rent a Driveway

Using some parking web sites you can sometimes get a driveway to park on for your stay. Google parking in Whitby and a number of websites will come up. For example Just Park. We aren't reccomending this website, just showing it as an illustration.